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vol.9 issue16The bondage to the “other” in the borderline statesNotes on aesthetic fruition derived from an experience of being on the brink: the Stendhal Syndrome author indexsubject indexarticles search
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SANTOS, Tania Coelho dos  and  AZEREDO, Fabio André Moraes. An extraordinary type of character. Psyche (Sao Paulo) [online]. 2005, vol.9, n.16, pp.77-95. ISSN 1415-1138.

The concept of character, which in the 20’s was invoked to question Freud’s method of free-association, is taken by us in order to try to answer to some issues brought up by contemporaneity, such as the lack of belief in the psychoanalytical deployment, especially because it is still limited to the Oedipus Complex. If the Other - represented by the father figure- is becoming increasingly barren, therefore the subject now is claiming its surplus of enjoyment, whereas the Freudian superego imposes a renounce to any satisfaction that is too direct. At last, we present Lacan’s concept of sinthome - as opposed to the classical symptom- that combines character and symptom, hoping that it can be useful to deal with nowadays patients.

Keywords : Character; Symptom; Superego; Modernity; Contemporaneity; Subject; Social binds.

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