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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

Print version ISSN 1676-157X


ROMAO, Lucília Maria Sousa  and  SOUZA, Glaucia Nagem de. To let it fall to be able to speak (and silence). Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2013, n.27, pp.43-57. ISSN 1676-157X.

The purpose of this writing is to produce from the emptiness and silence, bypassing as much as possible, to reflect on both their bodies in founding the human being's speaker and artistic work (FREUD, LACAN). Thinking about missing that range - that language does not ring - with silence constitute any possibility of meaning (ORLANDI) is what moves me. Pregnancy emptiness and silence, all born every act of speech and language, which indicate something materialized after the start, a rest or some effect of emptiness and silence by data incompleteness and imperfection of all told. We will analyze the performance of Tatiana Blass, denominada "Half speech on the floor - deaf piano", reflecting on the subject's relation to language and art.

Keywords : Subject; Psychoanalysis; Art.

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