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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

Print version ISSN 1676-157X


MACHADO, Zilda. Unravelling the interpretation. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2013, n.27, pp.113-119. ISSN 1676-157X.

What is the psychoanalytic interpretation? An attempt to answer this question is the task I have set myself in this text. Would it be possible to unravel this concept? But in the very title, something about the analytical interpretation is revealed: this is a significant operation, the "intrusion of a signifier" the analyst should be capable of, Lacan points out, in order to reach what is out of the sense. Departing from lalangue, and therefore from the constitution of the subject with the writing of the unconscious text, I will try to demonstrate that in each subject's lalangue there are signifiers entwined, which mark that particular subject in relation to the jouissance experienced by him: the incarnate word. Those are the signifiers that the free association hearing shall pick up. Through some clinical fragments I will try to demonstrate how the analyst operates, causing a cut in the sense and consequently forcing another writing.

Keywords : Interpretation; Real unconscious; Lalangue; Psychoanalytical clinic.

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