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Latin American Journal of Fundamental Psychopathology On Line

On-line version ISSN 1677-0358


RAINONE, Francilene  and  FROEMMING, Liliane Seide. Movie images as potential approaches to mental attendance. Lat. Am. j. fundam. psychopathol. on line [online]. 2008, vol.5, n.1, pp.69-83. ISSN 1677-0358.

The text intends, from theoretical concepts within the areas of Psychoanalysis and Mental Health, to discuss the relationships between the images of movies and those of psychosis. Stemming from a core question - can movie images function as starters to a narrative construction in psychosis? -, the present essay's general objective is to analyze, based on a practice that makes use of movie images as mediators in the production of speech of psychotic individuals, the relationships between image and imaginary identifications. We propose to investigate the possibility of, through the images on the screen and through what is produced from them as discursiveness, a reordering and the inscription of pulse in the register of symbolization.

Keywords : Movie Images; Psychosis; Narrative Construction in Psychosis; Imaginary identifications; Psychiatric Reform.

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