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Psicologia em Revista

Print version ISSN 1677-1168


ROSA, Miriam Debieux  and  TATIT, Isabel. Wandering and isolation: the dimensions of desire and jouissance of solitude. Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2012, vol.18, n.3, pp.446-457. ISSN 1677-1168.

This discussion was inspired by the psychoanalytic treatment of migrants who live in a state of constant wandering, and who recurrently bring up in their speech themes of isolation and the feeling of loneliness. This work aims to differentiate these two phenomena (isolation and loneliness) according to the dimensions of desire and joy that surround them. The issue prompted us to highlight aspects of contemporary life that can affect everyone, loneliness and isolation are present in the experience of all (in different ways) and are ways of expressing the malaise of modern times. The discourse of isolation will be studied as an effect of contemporary discourse based on the law of the market, which encourages the subject to metonymical processes, thus revealing the extent of the joyful dimension of this phenomenon. As for the discourse of loneliness, it can sustain the existence of the absence of the other, the void, and is therefore an effect of the position of the desirous subject (Tatit, 2011); in this sense,it indicates a challenge to the promise of happiness offered by the discourse of the market.

Keywords : Loneliness; Desire; Psychoanalysis; Isolation; Migration.

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