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Revista da SPAGESP

Print version ISSN 1677-2970


SCHERER, Zeyne Alves Pires et al. Interdisciplinary Study Group on Violence (GREIVI): the construction of knowledge and practices. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2008, vol.9, n.1, pp.60-65. ISSN 1677-2970.

The repercussions of violence in the society and in mental health of individuals have mobilized professionals and students of many areas of knowledge to develop research for its understanding, to search its causes, to mediate it and control or fight it. This article presents the Interdisciplinary Study Group on Violence (GREIVI), which since 2006 works on research, education and community service related to the mental health of individuals involved as victims or as perpetrators of different expressions of violence (gender, against children, adolescent and elderly people, at schools, at the work place and in prison). GREIVI, with its interdisciplinary perspective, promotes dialogues among students and professionals of several areas and knowledge in collective spaces of discussion and reflection, in order to produce integrated and well-founded studies with all this areas of study. It addresses the violence issue based on cooperation and knowledge sharing, in the search for new epistemological and methodological attitudes, which are not only the juxtaposition of ideas and methods. The group also aims to publish their research results, to promote seminaries and other meetings.

Keywords : Groups; Interdisciplinary research; Violence; Mental health.

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