Winnicott e-prints
On-line version ISSN 1679-432X
DE OLIVEIRA, Márcia Campos. To play: mutuality in question. Winnicott e-prints [online]. 2006, vol.1, n.2, pp.1-14. ISSN 1679-432X.
The present essay analyses the act of playing as "something in itself". For such, the essay is based on winnicott's presumptions. Therefore, I consider the act of playing as something essential in the human nature. So, to withhold the debate, I have highlighted three main aspects concerning to the given subject, which are: the constitutive one, the cultural one and the clinic one. Yet, I underscored mutuality as a transversal characteristic common to all the three aspects, for the reason that it is in this interplay that one can find himself, no matter if in daily life, in art or in the psychoanalysis.
Keywords : Mutuality; Potential space; Transitional object; Transitional phenomenon; Sublimation.