Ciências & Cognição
On-line version ISSN 1806-5821
MENGARDA, Elias José. Calculation skills in young people and adult classes who are integrated to late literacy. Ciênc. cogn. [online]. 2012, vol.17, n.1, pp.16-36. ISSN 1806-5821.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the ability of calculation and the strategies that young people and adults embedded in late literacy classes, use to solve problems. The three groups (2 experimental and 1 control) were tested once in the beginning of the literacy and the second time, six months later. The methodology consisted of several tests to evaluate calculation skills and what strategies were used to solve problems. We tested three hypotheses: a) cognitive independence hypothesis, b) literacy influence, c) formal schooling influence. When comparing those who read with those who don't read, it was found that the chances that stand out are the literacy and schooling, are the ones who read have better language and cognitive skills. However, there is a small group of citizens that don't read or write and is prominent in some cognitive abilities, concluding that neither the hypothesis of literacy, schooling nor sufficient to explain the development of calculation skills, although formal schooling and, possibly, literacy may have contributed to a slight improvement, as indicated by the statistical analysis. © Cien. Cogn. 2012; Vol. 17 (1): 016-036.
Keywords : calculation skills; solution strategies; youth and adults; late literacy..