Trivium - Estudos Interdisciplinares
On-line version ISSN 2176-4891
LINS, Tatiana and RUDGE, Ana Maria. Ingresso do conceito de passagem ao ato na teoria psicanalítica. Trivium [online]. 2012, vol.4, n.2, pp.12-23. ISSN 2176-4891.
Entrance of the concept of passage- to- the- act in psychoanalytic theory This article presents the consequences of the introduction by Lacan of the notion of " passage to the act " in the field of the psychoanalysis, and the conceptual clarity that resulted for the notion of " acting out ". The Freudian concept " Agieren ", in English " acting out ", appeared in the Freudian theory linked to transference, which at the same time makes the analytic process possible and hampers it. Acting out is an act of the patient in analysis, which substitutes remembering a childhood scene, and putting in words. The great contribution of Lacan was to clarify the field of the acting out, as he unfolded such a concept situating the passage to the act and the acting out as different clinical manifestations. That allows us to approach the metapsychology of impulsive acts as different from that of the acting out.
Keywords : Clinic; acting out; passage to the act.