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Psicologia Clínica
Print version ISSN 0103-5665On-line version ISSN 1980-5438


Table of contents
Psicol. clin. vol.24 no.1 Rio de Janeiro  2012

 Jobim e Souza, Solange
        · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 Seção Temática
 ·  Sexuality of children and adolescents and their recognition as human rights: the need for further reflection and theorizing
Nogueira Neto, Wanderlino

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Sexual rights and sexual violence confrontation
Bicalho, Pedro Paulo Gastalho de; Geraldini, Janaina Rodrigues; Magalhães, Kely Cristina; Cassal, Luan Carpes Barros

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Children and adolescents' rights: a necessary debate
Arantes, Esther Maria de Magalhães

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  For a positive agenda of sexual rights of adolescents
Heilborn, Maria Luiza

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Sexual rights of children and adolescents: advances and obstacles
Carvalho, Cíntia de Sousa; Silva, Elisângela Ribeiro da; Jobim e Souza, Solange; Salgado, Raquel Gonçalves

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The adolescent sexuality from the perspective of policymakers: reflecting the ideology of adolescents as subjects of rights
Leite, Vanessa

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Adolescence, autonomy and sexual rights: fragments of stories of girls living in shelters
Uziel, Anna Paula; Berzins, Felix Augusto Jacobson

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Violence and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents: a conceptual analysis
Veronese, Josiane Rose Petry

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 Seção Livre
 ·  The psychological clinic and the LGBT public
Toledo, Lívia Gonsalves; Pinafi, Tânia

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Leptin and anorexia nervosa
Corrêa, Roberta de Oliveira; Pimentel, Silvia Cristina da Silva; Cortez, Célia Martins

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The masochism through the transference
Christaki, Angélique

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The use of therapeutic letters in the clinical context
Paiva, Ludoana Pousa Corrêa de; Rasera, Emerson Fernando

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Errata
Levandowski, Daniela Centenaro

        · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )

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