Editorial Costa, Márcio Luis
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The mental health in primary care: perceptions of health professionals Aosani, Tânia Regina; Nunes, Karla Gomes
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From social right to health device: labor in prevailing health law Santiago, Eneida; Yasui, Silvio
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Body image dissatisfaction in pre-gestational period and associated factors Passanha, Adriana; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto; Silva, Ana Carolina Feldenheimer da; Benício, Maria Helena D'Aquino
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Quality of life and glycemic control of patients of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Franco Júnior, Alberto José de Amorim; Heleno, Maria Geralda Viana; Lopes, Andressa Pereira
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Knowledge, attitudes and risk perception of university students from the pharmacy about AIDS Vasconcelos, Dalila Castelliano de; Coêlho, Angela Elizabeth Lapa
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The canonic and the hegemonic in the appropriation of the racial prejudice in children Duarte, Rebeca Oliveira; Roazzi, Antonio
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The qualitative methodology in the study about intrafamiliar sexual abuse Lordello, Silvia Renata Magalhães; Costa, Costa Liana Fortunato
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So that it may not be said that Freud and Lacan did not speak about loneliness Tatit, Isabel; Rosa, Miriam Debieux
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Law and standard in psychoanalysis França Neto, Oswaldo
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Relato de pesquisa |
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| · Motion performance psychologist's hospital in maternity and newborn ICU based on a stage experience Arrais, Alessandra da Rocha; Mourão, Mariana Alves
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Experience report |
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| · Experiences in a therapeutic community Pacheco, Alice Leonardi; Scisleski, Andrea
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