Boletim de Psicologia
Print version ISSN 0006-5943
TINTI, Rafael Ogalla and SZYMANSKI, Heloísa. “He died with greasy in his hands”: A phenomenological existential perspective towards death in psychoeducational practice. Bol. psicol [online]. 2009, vol.59, n.131, pp.237-251. ISSN 0006-5943.
Violent death is a phenomenon that is part of everyday life of people living in São Paulo low income neighborhoods, which is confirmed by research results and newspapers information. The purpose of this research was to describe and analyze a psycho educational practice in the perspective of a heideggerian existential approach. It investigated how death was perceived and which was its meaning to a young woman living in a low income suburb of São Paulo. It was analyzed a case chosen among all attendances offered to that community. According to the phenomenological method, the analysis was based on hermeneutics and indicated the following meanings related to death: a solution, contradiction and ambiguity; despair and abandon; an outcry for property; honour; dignity and payment of a debt.
Keywords : Death; Psychoeducational practice; Fenomenology; Death; Low income neighbourhoods.