Estudos de Psicanálise
Print version ISSN 0100-3437
MIJOLLA-MELLOR, Sophie de; PIETROLUONGO, Márcia and ARREGUY, Marília Etienne. The maternity is a kind of sublimation?. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2011, n.35, pp.127-136. ISSN 0100-3437.
The present paper illustrates a confrontation between the definitions of sublimation, with some constructions about femininity presented by Sigmund Freud. It intends to situate the “enigma of femininity” in the Freudian’s epoch, in order to validate some parts of his knowledge in present time. For beyond a traditional reading, the author - an expert in the concept of sublimation’s - puts in check some propositions easily taken for granted by a superficial reading of Freud’s texts. She drives the reader throw a dialectical and pioneering reflection within sublimation and parentality, in particular as concerning the maternal sexuality. Opening the spectrum of sublimatory issues for the woman, the author disagree that only a masculine destiny for sublimation would be possible, given the masculine complex as the only sublimatory issue for repressed homosexuality in the woman. The author takes into account the “economical” point of view and a metapsychological analysis, but she doesn’t remain fixed in critical feminist statement about Freud’s position. Through this exegesis, she formulates a new manner for understanding the relation among femininity and sublimation that enlightens the theoretical comprehension of the maternal function, putting sublimation besides tenderness and the respect to otherness.
Keywords : Sublimation; Femininity; Maternity; Otherness.