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Estudos de Psicanálise

Print version ISSN 0100-3437


MURIBECA, Maria das Mercês Maia. The problem of hysteria to the enigmatic allure of feminine seduction in Freud. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2013, n.39, pp.67-79. ISSN 0100-3437.

Both through the scientific as the religious discourse, the source of female sexuality was backed into a negative reading of male sexuality. For millennia the female body was wrapped in an aura of deep mystery, which gave banks the many misconceptions. Her body considered anatomically flawed lent itself to all sorts of associations with evil by religion and illnesses by science. In the construction of female sexuality, the female lost its origins going to be seen as devalued or repressed in its infancy. The scientific and lay discourse considered for a long time, hysteria as a disease only possible in a woman's body. So that in predominantly patriarchal culture hysteria began to incorporate its own femininity as a puzzle rather than as a construct of culture. Much of this confusion is due to a generalization of certain categories, which insert what is characteristic of hysteria will theorization of female sexuality. Nevertheless, the contemporary woman is the subject of a desire whose satisfaction is beyond marriage and motherhood. The woman's desire is the desire of the intellectuality, can make the world of ideas, to enter the universe of the word, speech, the maieutic, the language, that is, to express their ideas, building history, making the difference.

Keywords : Psychoanalysis; Femininity; Female sexuality; Hysteria.

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