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Tempo psicanalitico

Print version ISSN 0101-4838On-line version ISSN 2316-6576


DIONISIO, Gustavo Henrique. Here it comes the struggle of the XIX century: desire versus nothing, or Freud, power and will. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2016, vol.48, n.1, pp.86-98. ISSN 0101-4838.

This article aims to "allocate a question" between two apparently antagonistic concepts, stemmed from philosophy and psychoanalysis, in terms to extract some significant theoretical consequences for the clinical field of depression and eating disorders. Thus, the essay aims to ask (and not to respond): 1) whether or not Freudian psychoanalysis retreat before a so called "nihilistic entropy", i.e., the irresistible appetite for the "nothing's drive" as proposed by Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, for example? 2) If it would be possible or overly paradoxical sketch an analytical practice from these premises, or at least forward one reflection that can be directed to the therapeutic field (psychoanalytic in this case); or else, 3) if it is found that psychoanalysis invests in Eros, due to its therapeutic virtue originally, what would be left in terms of a nihilism-psychoanalysis injunction?

Keywords : desire; nothing; unconscious; nihilism; psychoanalytic clinic.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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