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Tempo psicanalitico

Print version ISSN 0101-4838On-line version ISSN 2316-6576


BACCHINI, Alessandro Melo; VILHENA, Junia de; RUDGE, Ana Maria de Toledo Piza  and  SANTOS, Diogo de Siqueira Bendelak dos. Love and myth as cultural and subjective truth. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2016, vol.48, n.1, pp.216-231. ISSN 0101-4838.

In Group psychology and the analysis of the ego, Freud challenges the dichotomy between the individual and the mass, culture and subjectivity, arguing that the other is always involved in the psychic life of the individual. In order to account for this path, we take as a guiding principle the discussion between Lévi-Strauss and Lacan regarding myth in its cultural and individual role. We chose love as an object of study due to its central function in the construction of subjectivity and in psychoanalytic treatment, and the fact that psychoanalysis approaches love through the myths of Narcissus and Oedipus.

Keywords : love; myth; truth; subjectivity.

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