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vol.26 issue51A perversão sob a ótica da Medicina LegalLucas. O dar-se a ver e a constituição do sujeito: Primeira parte author indexsubject indexarticles search
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CHAVES, Messias Eustáquio. "Père-version" Perversão, perversões… "Père-version", pères-versions... Versões do pai1. Reverso [online]. 2004, vol.26, n.51, pp.91-96. ISSN 0102-7395.

"Père-version" states the different versions of the father, pointing to the place of the structure. Perversion is one of the versions of the father, as much as neurosis and psychosis are. They are different responses of the unconscious relation of the subject to the Father. The Father is the master representative of the symbolic order, S1 the One, whose desire has value of law. The response structured as a neurosis, has as a main characteristic to put questions regarding the desire of the Other, and also the effects of castration and of the symbolic debt. In the case of perversion, the questions regard the phallus and jouissance. In the case of psychosis the questions regard, mainly, the body and the primary narcissism.

Keywords : Père-version; Perversion; Neurosis; Psychosis; Oedipus; Castration; Unconscious; Structure; Paternal metaphor; Drive; Enjoyment (jouissance); Desire; Fantasy; Law; Father; Superego; Anxiety; Repression; Denial; Denegation; Disavowal; Other; Phallus; Identification; Fixation; Challenge; Transgression; Mounting; Imaginary; Symbolic; Fetishism; Semblant; Object "a"; Cause of desire; Supplementary enjoyment; Analyst; Civilizing pact.

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