Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise
Print version ISSN 0486-641XOn-line version ISSN 2175-3601
LARTIGUE DE VIVES, Teresa and VIVES ROCABERT, Juan. Counter-transference reactions and the analysts and analysands gender. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2008, vol.42, n.4, pp.145-152. ISSN 0486-641X.
Having as a reference point an holistic or global conception of counter-transference, the paper brings up the issue regarding the analysts gender, in what it refers to his/her real person dimension and discusses the opposition contained in this real dimension as compared to what is held as one of the central objectives of psychoanalysis: the scrutiny of the patients subjectivity, of his/her psychic reality. The author distinguishes two types of transferential comprehensions, one as a defense mechanism (regardless of the gender) and the other in its repetitive aspect or yet, as depository of internal objects (where the patients as well as the analysts gender are particularly relevant, especially in the re-living of Oedipal issues). The author makes a brief review of gender differences in respect to its effects in dealing with erotic and eroticized transference, to the treatment of homosexual patients, the transferential interpretations, in the same way as counter-transferential dreams, ideological aspects, prejudices and/or stereotypes which may function as blind spots which interfere in the psychoanalytic treatment. Hence the importance of self-analysis and the maintenance of discussion groups for psychoanalysts dealing with these issues.
Keywords : Transference; Counter-transference; Gender differences.