Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise
Print version ISSN 0486-641X
PERRINI, Edival Antonio Lessnau. Searching for an aesthetic experience in psychoanalysis: dream, dream-work-alpha, and dreaming as a couple. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2017, vol.51, n.1, pp.140-149. ISSN 0486-641X.
The author proposes defining a field of an aesthetic experience in psychoanalysis, by distinguishing between areas of dream, dream-work-alpha, and dreaming as a couple. The author uses Likierman to place natural and primitive experiences of mental life. These experiences preserve the essence of a sublime infinity and, when activated, they work as a source of aesthetic experiences, which are felt as being genuinely good, beautiful, and integrative. The author proposes that this area of the mind is a preconception to the aesthetic - the aesthetic that is “performed” as the daydream (i.e. a flash, a shock, a poem, a picture, a song, a story) is understood, and the dream-work-alpha is activated. At this point, he continues, the dream-work-alpha gives a shape to what was understood so that it will be communicated. It will, therefore, enable the pair to dream as a couple. This study emphasizes the existence of the aesthetics phenomenon within the intersubjective experience, which facilitates the presence of emotional experiences. As such, these experiences will allow the psychoanalytic pair to “dream together”.
Keywords : aesthetic experience in psychoanalysis; dream; dream-work-alpha; dreaming as a couple; preconception; experiencia estética psicoanalítica; sueño; trabajo del sueño-alfa; sueño-de-a-dos; preconcepción.