Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise
Print version ISSN 0486-641X
ALMEIDA, Mariângela Mendes de. Pandemic and psychoanalytic work, from face-to-face to remote: contact with primitive states of mind in the context of spread of anxieties. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2020, vol.54, n.3, pp.65-80. ISSN 0486-641X.
ABSTRACT Movements of the psychoanalytic clinical practice in its possible plasticity will be considered here, from new ways of working beyond the physical face-to-face setting, brought by the 2020 pandemic. The transit between different types of communication will be discussed, as well as the intensification of the development of associativity, the living presence of a repertoire in constitution as a "body-wrap" of the bond and the participation of those involved in the reconstruction of the clinical scene as an essential resource for working with psychic suffering, when our own sense of continuity and integration is challenged by the unexpected rupture of the usual framework.
Keywords : psychoanalysis; pandemic; primitive states of mind; teleanalysis.