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vol.1 issue3Estados alterados v/s no-ordinarios de conciencia: un marco transpersonal-integral para comprender la ingesta ceremonial de enteógenosPrescripcion o no prescripcion de psicofarmacos en psicología: cuestionamientos preliminares para una discusión inevitable en Latinoamérica y en Chile ligado a la formación universitaria de la disciplina author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Cuadernos de neuropsicología

On-line version ISSN 0718-4123


RUIZ D., Juan Cristóbal  and  NAVARRO P., Karla. La conciencia mirándose a sí misma: reconceptualizando la organización de los procesos conscientes desde un análisis budista. Cuad. neuropsicol. [online]. 2007, vol.1, n.3, pp.196-210. ISSN 0718-4123.

The consciousness has constituted one of the main problems for cognitive sciences. At an epistemological level of the reflection, this difficulty is given in how the problem has been conceptualized, and the conceptual entities that constitute the paradigm of the information processing, prevailing frame of the cognitivism in the cognitive neurosciences and cognitive psychology. To think the consciousness as a product of a logical-sequential process is an assumption difficult to maintain given the vast present evidence of which the brain is in constant activity, with multiple areas that activate of way synchronizes, and on the other hand in an organism that always is in movement. From this position, we propose the understanding of the consciousness from an analysis from the Buddhist philosophy that is a rigorous study from a perspective of first person. Buddhist psychology raises to the conscience like an interdependent phenomenon of causes and conditions and like a dynamic flow, of moments related in a relation of causality or karma. This analysis that originating of the different meditative experiences, to an enormous tradition, is related to the new findings of the cognitive neuroscience and the neurodinámic. What we considered here, is to propose a preliminary conceptualization that could give lights for a new theoretical model for the study of the conscious processes.

Keywords : Consciousness; Buddhism; Madyamika Philosophy; Mental aggregates.

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