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Alternativas en Psicología

Print version ISSN 1405-339X


LAZAREVICH, Irina; DELGADILLO-GUTIERREZ, Héctor Javier; MORA-CARRASCO, Fernando  and  MARTINEZ-GONZALEZ, Ángela Beatriz. Depresión, autoestima y características de personalidad asociadas al género en estudiantes rurales de México. Altern. psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.17, n.29, pp.44-57. ISSN 1405-339X.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate and associate depression with selfesteem and personal characteristics associated with gender in students from rural areas of the State of Tabasco in Mexico. A cross-sectional study of 459 university students (42% women and 58% men) was performed in 2009. The instruments used were the Spanish versions of Beck's Depression Inventory, Coopersmith Inventory for self-esteem and Lara Cantu Inventory for genderrelated characteristics. A higher prevalence of depression and lower self-esteem were found in women in relation to men. Men report higher scores of instrumentality (assertiveness) and women of expressiveness (emotionality). In both sexes instrumental characteristics (followed by the expressiveness) had a positive association with self-esteem and negative with depression. Negative expressivities characteristics (submission) were associated with low self-esteem and depression. In conclusion, these studies may help to develop educational and preventive programs targeted to the specific needs of Mexican rural youth.

Keywords : depression; self-esteem; gender; students; rural environment.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )