Print version ISSN 1413-0394
MARASCHIN, Cleci; D'AGORD, Marta Regina de Leão; SANTOS, Nair Iracema Silveira dos and SORDI, Regina Orgler. The writing of the case and the ressignification of the training experience. Aletheia [online]. 2006, n.24, pp.35-47. ISSN 1413-0394.
This research intends to investigate the potencialities of the method of academic supervision based on the reflexion of the writing of the experience of students involved in theoretical-practical activities and curricular trainings. This method is called the writing of the case (where the case can be a patient, a group of an institution). The method of the research involves the reading of the written production of each student to the group during weekly supervisions. The learning is assessed based on the stages of development of the method: findings during the writing, findings during the reading to the group, subsequent improvements of the text and implications for the interventions.
Keywords : Writing production; Learning; Academic supervision.