Print version ISSN 1413-0394
SAAD, Ana Carolina Salvatore Jaen and HELOANI, Roberto. But what speech is this: the bureaucratization of the subjectivity?. Aletheia [online]. 2009, n.30, pp.73-87. ISSN 1413-0394.
After more than a century of its foundation as a human subjectivity science, it is possible to say that the Psychoanalysis, by means of the praxis analytical, it has got into the several institutions that not only the called “ideal setting”. As example of such affirmation, we can mention all the assignments that have been developed in the pertaining to school and medical institutions. However, what we can conclude regarding the contribution of the Psychoanalysis in terms of the Human Resources of the capitalist productive institution? Is possible an analyst in such institution? With what demand the health professional - of general form - is convoked to “collaborate” in such discursive space and how to answer to such order? From these first fidgets forward, we intend to briefly discourse on the reality of the capitalist productive institutions, about the place the one that is convoked the mental health professional that it works in Human Resources, as well as, the position that supports, beyond the possibility of the Psychoanalysis contributing for the subjectivity valuation of the working fellows that, “naturally”, are called Resources.
Keywords : Speech; Psychoanalysis; Human resources; Subjectivity.