Print version ISSN 1413-0394
CALHEIROS, Maria Manuela; LIMA, Maria Luísa and SILVA, Carla. Extravasation work-family: when working conditions contribute to maternal abusive practices?. Aletheia [online]. 2012, n.37, pp.23-41. ISSN 1413-0394.
The analysis of work-family balance has highlighted the spillover effect. This study, implemented through semi-structured interviews with a sample of 102 Portuguese mothers (including 79 referred for maltreatment and neglect), addresses the impacts of the mother's professional situation on abusive parenting practices. The results suggest, as predicted, that the relationship between the professional situation (work status and work hours) and abusive parenting is not direct, but moderated by some psychosocial variables. We have found effects of negative spillover to maternal practices of maltreatment in conditions of perceived low personal resources and dissatisfaction with work; negative spillover to maternal practices of neglect occurs only when there is little perceived control over the work situation or internal attributions of inability. Moreover, the effect of spillover can be positive when mothers attribute the problems in the work domain to external factors (e.g., working conditions).
Keywords : Work-family; Abusive maternity; Wellness factors.