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Cadernos de psicanálise (Rio de Janeiro)

On-line version ISSN 1413-6295


LIMA, Leonardo Tadeu Silva Souza. The function of the symbol in the psychoanalytical psychosomatic. Cad. psicanal. [online]. 2018, vol.40, n.39, pp.165-189. ISSN 1413-6295.

In my last article, I disserted about the origins of the psychosomatic in relation with the ancient Greece. I identified the Freudian rescued of the symbol and its access from the interpretation, which was present in Hippocrates and taken by Groddeck to the organic diseases. However, the forgetting of the thesis of Groddeck and the foundation of psychosomatic for Alexander have taken out the importance of the symbol from the psychosomatic science. This research intended investigates if the increases of the post-Freudian psychoanalysis let it find a function to the symbol in the psychosomatic. Therefore, it has done an investigation of the texts and context of Pierre Marty and his adepts, Donald W. Winnicott, Lacan and Joyce McDougall. It figured out that even the concepts operatory thought of Marty, alexitimy of Sifneos, false self of Winnicott, holofrase and afanise of Lacan point to a missed symbol in the psychosomatic patients, some hints of the concepts of Winnicott and Lacan, and, specially, the thesis of Joyce McDougall explain to pre-linguistic registers, which allow to comprehend the content of the psychosomatic diseases.

Keywords : Symbolism; Psychosomatic; Subject.

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