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Cadernos de psicanálise (Rio de Janeiro)

On-line version ISSN 1413-6295


TFOUNI, Leda Verdiani; BARTIJOTTO, Juliana  and  MOLENA, Carolina. The report of violence against women in Sanja Iveković's photographic art. Cad. psicanal. [online]. 2021, vol.43, n.45, pp.193-209. ISSN 1413-6295.

We aim to analyze the impact of Sanja Iveković's art, Women's House (Sunglasses), upon the subject-spectator, taking the artist's work as a denunciation of the violence towards women. We start from the assumption that the discursive pieces presented compose an opaque unity that claims for interpretation. We point to a contradiction between two discursive formations (the discourse of advertisement and the discourse of denunciation), which demand a movement of returning to the already-said in order to make a sense of what he/she sees/reads. In other words: initially, it could be said that we are facing sunglasses advertisement pieces; after reading the declarations, it is possible to interpret the sunglasses function as a means of hiding the aggressions.

Keywords : Sanja Iveković; Photography; Discourse; Violence against women.

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