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BRITO, Divino Pereira de  and  GOULART, Iris B.. Psychological evaluation and prognosis of deviant behaviour in a military corporation. PsicoUSF [online]. 2005, vol.10, n.2, pp.149-160. ISSN 1413-8271.

The present work is a report of a documental research which was carried out in a military corporation, where a psychological examination is used as part of the selection of the admission process. Based upon the analysis of records of the aforementioned corporation, the research identified the cases of deviant behaviour of police officers who were contraindicated or indicated with restrictions for the police work, according to the results of the psychological examinations, being admitted into the police force by means of judicial order or lack of contingent in the period between 1994 e 2002. Such deviations of behaviour were confronted with the result of the psychological examination which was carried out then and it was observed that, among military police officers whose behaviour was deviant, there is a significant incidence of contraindicated people in the psychological examination who happened to be admitted into the police force. The research offers the local police authority and the Department of Justice arguments strengthening the use of the psychological examination as a means of providing prognosis of the deviant behaviour.

Keywords : Psychological evaluation; Police career; Deviant behaviour.

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