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BALBINOTTI, Marcos Alencar Abaide  and  BARBOSA, Marcus Levi Lopes. Reliability and confirmatory factorial analysis of the IMPRAFE-126 with gauchos' practitioners of physical activities. PsicoUSF [online]. 2008, vol.13, n.1, pp.1-12. ISSN 1413-8271.

In this study, motivation is understood in the context of Self-determination theory. This study aims to verify the index of reliability and confirmatory factorial validity of the IMPRAFE-126. A sample of 1.377 gauchos' practitioners of physical activities, both sexes with ages between 13 and 83 years old, was used. The results of Cronbach's alpha index (.89 to .94) had been satisfactory. The adequacy to the six-dimension model was tested and the construct confirmatory validity for the general sample was assumed (x2/gl=2,520; GFI=0,859; AGFI=0,854; RMSEA=0,065), as so as for both sexes (masculine: x2/gl=3,905; GFI=0,885; AGFI=0,881; RMSEA=0,066; feminine: x2/gl=4,337; GFI=0,840; AGFI=0,831; RMSEA=0,068). These results indicate the IMPRAFE-126 is a promising tool that can be used by sports psychologists or personal trainers particularly interested in evaluate motivation levels of athletes or general practitioners of physical activities. New studies of validation, reliability and norms can be particularly helpful supposing a near future release.

Keywords : Motivation; Validation; Physical activity; IMPRAFE-126.

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