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Psicologia Escolar e Educacional

Print version ISSN 1413-8557


DEL PRETTE, Almir. Effects of an intervention on the topographic features of teachers' social skills. Psicol. esc. educ. [online]. 1998, vol.2, n.1, pp.11-22. ISSN 1413-8557.

Present the exame of some effects of an Interpersonal Professional Development Program (PRODIP) concerning to the topographic performance of six teachers that participated in the program. The intervention aimed interpersonal skills required to establish interactive learning conditions. It was completed in twelve sessions of one and a half hour duration, over a two-months period. Each teacher class was videotaped prior to and following the intervention phase. Written descriptions of the topographics features of each theacher's interpersonal behavior were developed and then analysed in terms of its nonverbal, paralinguistic and mixed components. The results indicated that all the teachers were evaluated more positively on several topographic features following the intervention program and that facial expression, entonation and use of humour and entusiasm were improved for nearly all the teachers. These finds are discussed regarding the objectives of the program and other questions research.

Keywords : Social skills; In-service teacher-training; Nonverbal communication.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese


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