Psicologia: ciência e profissão
Print version ISSN 1414-9893
PRACA, Kátia Botelho Diamico and NOVAES, Heliane Guimarães Vieites. The social representation of the psychologists work. Psicol. cienc. prof. [online]. 2004, vol.24, n.2, pp.32-47. ISSN 1414-9893.
This work presents a summary of the main results of a research that aims to know the social representations of Psychology and the psychologists work. The subjects were about 375 students of the graduation courses in the health ground of the University Gama Filho. They answered a questionaire with five opened questions and eight closed ones. In this work well analyse nine answers. We prove that representations about Psychology and the psychologists work indicate a top personal and subjective vision where the social, historical and cultural conditions in the subjective practices are eliminated. The work indicates the psychologists need of an essential reflection about his social responsibility and ethics.
Keywords : Psychology; The psychologists work; Social representation; Social responsibility; Ethics.