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Psicologia: ciência e profissão

Print version ISSN 1414-9893


RAMOS, Maria Eduarda  and  OLTRAMARI, Leandro Castro. Reflexive activity with women who suffered domestic violence. Psicol. cienc. prof. [online]. 2010, vol.30, n.2, pp.418-427. ISSN 1414-9893.

This paper is based on an activity that ocurred in a reflexive group activity with women who suffered domestic violence. This group had as objectives: the promotion of discussions which would favor reflection among these women about new ways of dealing with violent situations or its consequences and the creation of a support network for these women, providing them with an opportunity for social interaction among them, so there might be some learning and changing processes in their social realities. For that, teaching-learning reflections based on Paulo Freire’s theories were useful, so that everyone involved in the debate group could teach and learn. The group provided these women an opportunity to act and think through interaction among the group members. These changes were noticed by the way they were now able to stand up and fight for their rights of gender equality, and the way they acted, differently from before, no longer submitting themselves to physical or psychological aggression inflicted by their partners and reviewing their own attitudes in their relationships. It was identified through this research that the more social agents stand up to do something about domestic violence, the more reflections about gender equality and papers stablisheds by society, domestic violence and human rights are promoted.

Keywords : Violence against women; Family violence; Support groups; Teaching-learning.

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