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Construção psicopedagógica

Print version ISSN 1415-6954


ALVES, Carla Juliana Galvão; CALSA, Geiva Carolina  and  MORELI, Luciléia de Souza. Biographical narratives: teachers formation the point of view of learner. Constr. psicopedag. [online]. 2015, vol.23, n.24, pp.77-89. ISSN 1415-6954.

This paper presents results of our research on the processes of formation and construction of teacher identity, focusing on methodologies involving biographical narratives. This work is based mainly on the work of Josso, Finger, Dominicé and Nóvoa on Life Histories and biographical narratives. Also resorted to authors such as Stuart Hall, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Jorge Hernández and Fernando Larossa to think about teacher identity; Henry Giroux, Paulo Freire and Marilda Behrens for thinking about teacher formation; among others. Research involving biographical narratives of ascertaining the interrelationships between the processes of formation, personal experiences and their sociocultural environment, from the point of view of the subject learners. But also the formation intersubjective wins with this approach, since, through the narrative of his personal and professional life, the subject can become authors of their own formation.

Keywords : Mashalim; Narratives; Prudentia; Education; Psycodrama.

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