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vol.12 issue2Time for those who are waiting: reflections from psychological work with cardiology patients in a public hospital in Rio de JaneiroThe trajectories in the history of Hospitalar Psychology: : the production in Psychology doctoral programs in the period of 2003/2004 according to Capes Theses Bank author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista da SBPH

Print version ISSN 1516-0858


STALIANO, Pamela  and  ARAUJO, Tereza Cristina Cavalcanti Ferreira de. Studies and research in Psycho-Oncology: a survey conducted at the PEPSIC. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2009, vol.12, n.2, pp.54-68. ISSN 1516-0858.

This paper proposes a review of the articles published in Psycho-Oncology related to the portal on scientific journals in psychology (PePSIC), in order to provide a brief overview of the scientific production on this subject. Thus, a search was made by combining the descriptors: psychology (AND) oncology (OR) cancer. Thereafter the 80 resulting articles were classified into the following previously identified areas: a) elaboration of the study, with emphasis on the research reports (53%); b) type of instrument, 47% used interviews; c) focus of study, 45% emphasized the psychosocial aspects of patients; d) type of cancer, the most evident were: breast cancer (30%) and child cancer (34%); e) type of intervention, 53% developed group works of therapeutic nature. It is suggested that studies on developmental aspects gain better exploration, seeing that they promote the understanding of the behavior of a given variable over a period of time.

Keywords : Psycho-Oncology; Electronic Journals in Psychology; PePSIC.

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