Revista da SBPH
Print version ISSN 1516-0858
ARRAIS, Rebecca Holanda and JESUINO, Sabrina Leite Cardoso dos Santos. The psychological experience of communication about diagnosis and treatment by oncology patients: an Analytical Psychology perspective. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2015, vol.18, n.2, pp.22-44. ISSN 1516-0858.
The research aims to analyze cancer patient's psychological experience of the communication process about diagnosis and treatment from the perspective of Analytical Psychology. Typical situations observed were highlighted, organized as reports and analyzed by theoretical research. It was found that depriving the patient of the possibility to talk about their situation does not protect them from the emotional consequences of the illness and may hinder the integration of information about their new moment of life. On the other hand, the mere exposure of such information by professionals does not guarantee that they will be integrated by the patient. Previous experiences of the subjects participate in their current situation and activated complexes mediate the flows of ideas, emotions and actions presented in response. It was concluded that communication can act as a facilitator of integration of new content, adaptation and a positive coping with an illness, however, the abrupt revelation of news with strong emotional impact, without preparation or observation of individuality, can be iatrogenic. Even in a team qualified to lead the communication process it can still bring up issues that require intervention of the psychologist.
Keywords : junguian psychology; communication; cancer; physician-patient relationship.