Revista da SBPH
Print version ISSN 1516-0858
SANTOS, Amaliani Raquel Oliveira dos and SILVA, Cíntia de Jesus. The animal assisted therapy projects in the state of São Paulo. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2016, vol.19, n.1, pp.133-146. ISSN 1516-0858.
The Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) is a planned intervention directed by professionals who use animals as co-therapists, which are part of the treatment. The aim of this research, part of a scientific research, was to identify the TAA projects in São Paulo and characterize them in relation to the target audience attended, the co-therapists used and proposals presented. For data collection we considered the TAA projects developed in São Paulo and released in electronic sites, TV channels, magazines and newspapers. 29 projects were identified, which most serves people of all ages, with or without special needs; often Golden Retriever dogs are used as co-therapist; and activities are usually focused on the biopsychosocial development. Through this research we observed the need and importance of animal assisted therapy to be more streamlined so that its benefits reach and assist patients who suffer because of their physical and / or mental condition.
Keywords : animal assisted therapy; São Paulo; projects.