Revista da SBPH
Print version ISSN 1516-0858
BOERING, Camilla Volpato. Hospital Psychology: assessment and behavioral intervention in a case with diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2016, vol.19, n.2, pp.81-97. ISSN 1516-0858.
This article aims to present the assessment and interventions in the behavior of a 9-year-old patient, who was undergoing a period of hospitalization, affected by Rheumatic Fever. Based on cognitive-behavioral approach reports and records of the patient were made and were able to describe the contingencies of which his behavior was function. Thus it has been taught to the patient the ways of handling this situation. It can be said that the meetings were productive, dense, worked in the here-now, with beginning, middle and end to each meeting, in order to suit the hospital reality. It appears that the work was successful because the patient really started to behave more appropriately, and the same can be said in relation to his mother.
Keywords : hospitalization in childhood; rheumatic fever; hospitalization; cognitive-behavioral.