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Revista da SBPH

Print version ISSN 1516-0858


MENEZES, Lucas Teixeira et al. Experience of mothers of children with congenital heart disease that will be submitted to pediatric cardiovascular surgery. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2020, vol.23, n.1, pp.134-146. ISSN 1516-0858.

INTRODUCTION: Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) is characterized by anatomical malformations of the heart and may need surgical treatment. The diagnosis of CHD in children is unexpected and frightening and may cause negative feelingsAIM: To understand the experiences of mothers with children suffering from CHD, hospitalized in the Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (PCICU) awaiting pediatric cardiovascular surgeryMETHOD: Exploratory, qualitative and transversal research. Ten mothers of PCICU patients of a teaching hospital in the state of São Paulo participated in the study. A demographic questionnaire and a comprehensive interview with one guiding question were used. The reports were transcribed in full and submitted to qualitative analysis in the phenomenological modalityRESULTS: The participants presented mean age 30.7 years (± 4.56), most were married, with elementary school education and reported discovering the diagnosis after the child was born. From the reports, six categories emerged: initial reaction to the diagnosis; the symbolic meaning of the heart; fear of loss; concern about invasive procedures; influence of social support on mother's coping strategies; and acceptance of diagnosisCONCLUSION: The experiences reported by the participants clarify the emotional difficulty involved in the situation, allowing the adequacy of psychological interventions and humanization actions in CPICP

Keywords : heart defects; congenital; cardiovascular surgical procedures; mothers; children.

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