Revista da SBPH
Print version ISSN 1516-0858
SILVA, Doralúcia Gil da; SCHIAVON, Amanda de Almeida; CARVALHO, Janine Pestana and GIACOMONI, Cláudia Hofheinz. Coping of hospitalized children's family members in general hospital. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2021, vol.24, n.2, pp.187-202. ISSN 1516-0858.
Coping strategies are cognitive and behavior efforts used to manage stress. This study aimed to identify and to describe strategies used by parents with hospitalized children. A mixed (quantitative and qualitative), exploratory and descriptive design was used. A semi structured interview was applied. Thirty eight participants, with mean age 27,81 (SD = 8,95), composed sample. Family members highlighted social support, medical attending, dialogue, emotional regulation and use of technologies as positive strategies to deal with hospitalization. Reported strategies were similar to those described in literature. Strategies based on positive relationships, spirituality, emotion and thought regulation are supported by constructs that promote well-being and may alleviate the negative impact of hospitalization.
Keywords : coping; hospitalization; family; positive psychology.