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Psicologia: teoria e prática

Print version ISSN 1516-3687

Psicol. teor. prat. vol.20 no.2 São Paulo May/Aug. 2018 



Motivation attributed by adults to the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the social context


Motivaciones atribuídas por adultos ao consumo de bebidas alcoólicas no contexto social



Dilce Rejane Peres do CarmoI; Francisca Lucélia FariaII; Marlene Teda PelzerIII; Marlene Gomes TerraIV; Manoel Antônio dos SantosV; Sandra Cristina PillonVI

IFederal University of Rio Grande, Furg, RS, Brazil
IIFederal University of Fortaleza, Unifor, CE, Brazil
IIIFederal University of Rio Grande, Furg, RS, Brazil
IVFederal University of Santa Maria, UFSM, RS, Brazil
VUniversity of São Paulo from Ribeirão Preto, USP-RP, SP, Brazil
VIUniversity of São Paulo from Ribeirão Preto, USP-PR, SP, Brazil

Mailling address




The objective of this study was to verify the motives attributed to alcohol consumption by adults in social contexts. A qualitative approach, based on Alfred Schütz's social phenomenological approach. The sample was composed of 14 youngers. An interview was used whose results were grouped into categories: "The pub as a space for social interaction," "The influence of the context on alcohol consumption" and "The abusive consumption patterns of alcohol, a natural attitude?." The results showed that participants frequent pubs in search of the social interactions. When consuming alcoholic beverages, individuals are influenced by the context and by the people who they are drinking and socializing with, and developing a pattern of risk. It is concluded that individuals with a habit of drinking alcohol, because they do not perceive themselves at risk of increasing their vulnerability.

Keywords: Alcoholic beverages; alcohol consumption; adult; motivation; psychology.


El objetivo fue verificar motivos atribuidos al consumo de alcohol por adultos en contexto social. Estudio de abordaje cualitativa basado en el referencial fenomenológico social de Alfred Schütz. Fue utilizada una entrevista cuyos resultados fueron agrupados en categorías: "El pub como espacio de la interacción social", "La influencia del contexto para el consumo de alcohol" y "El patrón de consumo abusivo de alcohol, una actitud natural?". Los resultados mostraron que los participantes frecuentan los bares en busca de escenarios de interacción social. Al consumir alcohol, se influencian por el contexto y por las personas con quien comparten el placer por la bebida y acaban desarrollando un patrón de riesgo. Se concluye que los individuos con hábito de consumir bebidas alcohólicas en diversos patrones de uso, que se convierten en frecuentadores de establecimientos socialmente diferenciados como bares nocturnos, constituyen un desafío para la prevención en salud ya que no perciben la situación de riesgo aumentando su vulnerabilidad.

Palabras clave: bebidas alcohólicas; consumo de bebidas alcohólicas; adulto; motivación; psicología.




Alcohol consumption has been a part of society for millennia, is widely spread and occurs universally for a vast array of reasons, ranging from ritualistic/religious, medicinal, recreational, and celebratory (Diehl, 2011). The tradition of people meeting together in shared spaces that can lead to the consumption of alcoholic beverages originated centuries ago and became integrated into social and cultural life. Since then, the constant presence of alcoholic drinks has become integrated into traditions, customs, beliefs, practices, and personal lifestyles (Marcolan & Castro, 2013; Oliveira, Dell'Agnolo, Ballani, Carvalho, & Pelloso, 2012).

Studies have shown that harmful alcohol consumption causes approximately 3.3 million deaths each year worldwide, which is equivalent to 5.9% of all deaths. Of all diseases globally, about 5.1% is attributed to alcohol consumption. In addition to the consequences associated with more than 200 health conditions related to alcohol abuse, it is important to also take into consideration the causal relationship between alcohol abuse and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV-AIDS and pneumonia (World Health Organization, 2014).

This report by the World Health Organization highlights alcohol abuse as a major public health concern worldwide, as it is the third most critical risk factor for disability and death in both developed and developing countries. According to the report, this high incidence deserves attention from families, societies, and individuals from diverse social segments, and requires that they work in synergy with the health and education sectors.

Regarding alcohol consumption, the Brazilian survey conducted by the National Institute of Sciences and Technology for Public Policies of Alcohol and Other Drugs (INPAD) (2012) on substance use among the general population showed high rates of abstention, yet consumption rates were worryingly high among drinkers. Of those interviewed, 64% of adult men and 39% of adult women reported that they regularly consumed alcohol (at least once a week). While half of the population define themselves as non-drinkers, 32% drink moderately and 16% consume harmful amounts of alcohol (INPAD, 2012). A major concern is the development of risks from alcohol abuse, especially among youth, who may be suffering from the negative consequences of alcohol abuse.

Some factors were identified as promoters of consumption and abuse of alcohol among Brazilian youngsters and adults in their everyday life, such as low cost, wide availability and ease of access to alcohol, which have been commonly observed in a wide variety of social spaces (Dielh, Pillon, Santos, & Laranjeira, 2017; Filho & Teixeira, 2012; INPAD, 2012; Junqueira et al., 2017; Pratta & Santos, 2007). Thus, although there is consistency in the prevalence of consumers in Brazil, the frequency of consumption increased considerably among individuals who drink, which may aggravate problems related to continuous consumption and abusive habits (WHO, 2014).

Furthermore, the degree of risk for alcohol-related harm varies according to the age of the drinker, gender, family factors, socioeconomic conditions, biological issues such as weight and vascularization, as well as the behavior of the drinker (habitual use in terms of quantity and frequency) and the quality of the product consumed (Brasil, 2016; CDC, 2016; UNODC, 2015).

Another key aspect is the meaning and significance that is assigned to alcohol consumption, which has always been universally linked to social relationships throughout history and influenced by religious or mystical dynamics, as well as by pleasure seeking (Diehl, 2011). Nowadays, alcohol is widely disseminated and is available in various social settings, including within the family, and it is seen as a lawful and socially acceptable drug that adds meaning to the world and to people's lives (Brasil, 2016; Munné, 2014).

The evidence revealing that excessive use of alcohol by adults has a tendency to increase, especially among youth and across both sexes, justifies the increased interest in understanding more deeply the characteristics of consumption linked to individual and collective contexts in which drinking takes places (Moura & Malta, 2011). Therefore, knowing the perspective of individuals who regularly go to social contexts that revolve around the sale and consumption of alcohol is a promising means to gain knowledge in this area.

The choice of frequenting certain settings, as well as the decision to drink alcohol in certain contexts, are acts that ultimately depend on the free will of the subject, but which can be understood from their intentionality (reasons for), as every action is based on a reason why, that is a consequence of an individual's biography, or life history (Schütz, 1979).

The pub is a type of bar inspired by the British model, that promotes the gathering of adults, and that values intersubjectivity. This type of environment serves food that goes with ethyl stimulation, such as appetizers, besides offering games and music (Filho & Teixeira, 2012).

Contemporary socializing has become a matter of enjoying time together in a common space, where the individuals gathered can influence each other to engage in certain behavior, such as drinking alcohol. That is, free will may derive from a cause; it may even be an individual's will itself (Schütz, 1979), but it is influenced by intersubjectivity.

There is a lack of research on the phenomenon of alcohol use and its relationship to social contexts, taking into account the mediation of the meanings that the different social groups grant to the place that this substance occupies in the world of life of the individuals. Thus, it is worth examining social situations in which moderate and responsible use of alcohol are not the norm, but, on the contrary, where consumption presents a form of risk, given that there is no safe limit or absence of risk for problems to arise (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC, 2016; INPAD, 2012; UNODC, 2015).

Based on these assumptions, a study was proposed to investigate the subject's perspective on their motivations for going to the pub, a free space with easy access to alcoholic beverages. This investigation values the significance elaborated by the participants in their testimonies.

Thus, this study aimed to understand the motivations attributed to alcohol consumption by adults in social contexts.



Design of Research

A qualitative study, based on Alfred Schütz's social phenomenological approach (2012), was chosen. This approach was selected because it promotes the understanding of social reality as a social world, experienced by social actors with a conscience capable of assigning meaning to their experiences and actions. Based on the work of Weber and Husserl, Schütz's Social Phenomenology investigates intersubjectivity as the source of social relations.


The following inclusion criteria were adopted to select participants: being 18 years of age or older; and frequenting pubs at least once a week, which was verified by the researcher in the field. It is important to note that there were refusals to participate in the study.

Locus of research

The field of research included five bars in the style of the British pub or public house. The pubs had a capacity ranging from 80 to 100 people and, for organised parties, could hold up to 300 people. Concerning the characteristics of this type of establishment, it is necessary to consider the role that this bar represents in the modern community. Pubs have a popular and democratic nature, adapted to the social context, and which all have the ease of access to alcoholic beverages in common. These sites were considered representative social contexts owing to the free supply and accessibility of alcohol, and as a result, were selected as the field of research.


Phenomenological interviews were conducted, in which open interviews initiated by a guiding question aimed to encourage participants to speak openly and discuss their experiences. The guiding question was: "Tell me about your expectations when going to the pub".

Prior to the interview, a meeting time and location that suited the participant were arranged. To guarantee the confidentiality of the participants' identities, each person was assigned the letter P for participant accompanied by a number according to the order of the interviews (P1, P2, P3... P14).

Procedures for data collection and analysis

The researcher made four scheduled visits at the end of consecutive weeks to observe the spaces (pubs) and the flow of people who frequented them. Regulars were randomly approached in the bar and invited to participate in the study after being informed of the nature and purpose of the research. Of the 14 participants, nine preferred the meeting be held in their homes and five in their workplaces. These suggestions were accepted by the researcher, who felt welcome and at ease in all the locations. After giving more detailed clarification about the purpose of the study, the participants signed the Informed Consent Statement.

During the meeting, the researcher sought to be aware of the ways in which the interviewees expressed themselves, observing non-verbal forms of communication, that is, what was not said, gestures, hesitancies, and pauses, respecting the pace and time of each participant. This openness of the interviewer enabled the interview to progressively develop (Paula, Padoin, Terra, Souza, & Cabral, 2014).

It is important to note that the researcher conducted five interviews with volunteers before beginning the interviews with the participants. These interviews were not included in the survey. This step helped to identify the necessary modifications to the guiding question, as well as improving the approach to conducting the meeting with the participants.

Throughout the interview, while taking care not to ask leading questions, follow-up questions were asked to clarify the intended meaning of the participants. For example, when a participant said, "I'm going to the pub and drink everything," the researcher queried: "Drink everything?," thus enabling the participants to express themselves with greater accuracy about their expectations regarding the quantity/ quality and manner of their drinking habits. At the end of the interview, participants were invited to add anything that they wanted to and that they felt was relevant to the study.

The interviews were conducted between December 2015 and February 2016 and audio recordings of the interviews were made. The duration of the interviews was not predetermined, because the participants were able to speak freely. After the interviews, the audio recordings were transcribed literally and completely, and made up the corpus of the analysis.

In order to understand the "reasons for" and "reasons why" the individuals drink alcohol in social contexts, the steps recommended by Alfred Schütz's social phenomenological approach (2012) were followed: literal transcribing of the recorded audio for later reading; attentive and exhaustive re-reading of the comments to select and categorise the units of meaning; marking excerpts that contained significant aspects of the subject's behavior; identifying the essential elements and transforming them into units of meaning, considering the reasons "for" and the reasons "why" individuals consume alcoholic beverages in social contexts. Following the organization of the corpus, specific categories were elaborated that covered the behavior of the subjects (Schütz, 2012).

When organizing the identified characteristics, the significance of the participants' behavior was established to describe the typical behavior of the subjects who frequented the pubs and consumed alcoholic beverages. It is understood that this meaning represents the essence; that is, what is common to this social group. As a theoretical base for analysis, social phenomenology developed by the Austrian thinker Alfred Schütz (2012) as a method for the social sciences, was used.

In the present study, the central concern was to capture the meaning with which the subject of the action assigns to their attitudes towards alcohol consumption, not as something that happens in isolation, but as an act that occurs in the direct relation with their biographical situation and the social context (Schütz, 2012). Thus, to understand the actions of the subject it is necessary to grasp the meanings attributed to the action, which in a certain way indicate the sequence of being.

According to Schütz (1979), a meaning will acquire importance for an individual to depend on the past experience they had in relation to a certain fact. This determines that the meaning of actions is given in line with their previous experiences. The experience of a phenomenon can only be analyzed after it has occurred and not at the time when it occurs. "The 'meaning' of experiences, then, is no more than that code of interpretation which sees them as behavior" [...] "Only the experience reflexively perceived in spontaneous form and activity has meaning" (Schütz, 1979, p. 67).

Ethical aspects were maintained in compliance with Resolution No. 466/2012 of the National Health Council (CNS). Data collection was initiated after the approval of the Ethics Committee on Research with Human Beings of the institution to which the researcher is associated, under CAAE protocol n. 51557115.7.0000.5324.


Results and Discussion

In terms of the demographics of the participants, there were nine men and five women who were between the ages of 20 and 72 years; ten were single, two were married and two had partners. Concerning the level of education, nine had completed secondary school (four from a technical course), three others had undergraduate degrees and two had completed post-graduate degrees (masters and PhD). Eight were working, three were studying and working, and three were only studying. Seven reported that they lived with their parents, four lived with their partners and three lived alone. All the participants went to the pub at least once a month, and most of them went at least once a week.

From the analysis of the comments made in the interviews, three categories emerged concerning the participants' expectations about going to the pub: "the pub as a space for social interaction"; "the influence of the context on alcohol consumption" and "drinking habits seen as a natural attitude among the regulars."

The pub as a space for social interaction

This category comprises the comments that refer to the space of the pub as a context of social interaction, which implies the individual's intentional search for inter-subjectivity. The pub was described by the participants as a social environment, which facilitates getting together and hanging out (being with friends, classmates and family members), and which enhances personal happiness and well-being. The consumption of alcohol is the core ingredient that integrates the actions and that gives special meaning to the other elements of the experiences raised by the social life.

The motivations given for going to the pub were: having fun, dancing, dating, flirting, belonging to a group, relaxing and drinking. These verbs describe pleasurable activities covering basic human needs, such as connecting emotionally and supplying the need for affiliation, as well as having an opportunity for fun and stress relief. These activities require social interaction and the permissive environment of the pub creates opportunities for them to occur.

[...] fun! [...] get together with friends, classmates, dance, [...] what I care about it this, you know, if I have to go out on my own, I won't go, I go out to be with them...friends, colleagues, the guys. Sometimes, we meet up here at home, my friends come, or my brother's friends, my sister...I like going out with them [...] drink [...] (P1).

[...] enjoy, go out with friends, meet others there, I don't know [...] drink, hang out, dance [...]. The girls call, they've already got a table, so we go! It's great, you can even meet up with family, my sister and my brother-in-law also like it there [...] (P2).

[...] dancing, drinking, hoping to meet people, some you already know, some you can get to know, I'm single at the moment, you know? It's great, but I always go with my friends, [...] It's really good, people go there to unwind after a day of work, stress, and the busyness of life [...] (P12).

The reasons listed for going to the pub and socializing (the reasons why) can be understood as the search for an open and reliable space for social interactions to occur. Aside from being with family, friends and colleagues, the participant also perceives the pub to be a safe, quiet place where you can relax, have fun and be open to relationships without the risk of trouble.

[...] a place where there won't be a lot of chaos and where the people are cool, that is fun with everyone's good [...] a moment when I am happy, and there everybody starts to be more open to relationships, to dance. I go with my classmates, friends from my course [...] (P10).

Social interactions happen through specific actions of the subject that is part of the social world, and results in behavior with a specific purpose (Schütz, 2012). In this case, for the purpose of having fun and relaxing, but without giving up enjoying the company of other people, the subject goes to the pub and, meeting up with family, friends and colleagues that this context of social interaction provides, satisfies a set of psychological and social needs. The behavior of drinking emerges naturally among the various activities associated with leisure, giving a unique contour to the relationships established in this context. Alcohol is classically recognized as a drug that leads to relaxation and lowers inhibition, which enhances socializing.

Alcohol abuse is a multidimensional problem that cannot be measured simply by the relation that the drug raises in the subject, but also by the interactions that this relation triggers in a particular social and cultural context depending on the individual's values and beliefs (Pratta & Santos, 2009; Santos, 2007).

In contemporary societies, shared spaces of leisure and recreation have become scarce over time and have gradually been reduced to private protected areas (clubs, gyms, community and sports centres, nightclubs and pubs).

The influence of the context on alcohol consumption

In the comments made by the participants, beer emerges as the favorite drink. The pattern of consumption was high and intense (all night), leading to a loss of control. This level of drinking is ritualized and naturalized in such a way that it does not produce surprise and goes unnoticed by pub-goers. It was also noticed that some participants made unsuccessful attempts of self-control to stop drinking further.

[...] I like ice-cold beer [...] I stop in the morning, when the party is over, I think [...] ah, you drink it all! ... have one round, then another and another! And there goes the night [...] (P1).

[...] usually beer, it's beer [...] the group also prefers it [...] look, you even think, today I am not going to drink, then before you know it, it's too late [...] passing the cup around [...] (P4).

The loss of control is probably influenced by the social group ("passing the glass around," "have one round," "before you know it, it's too late," "you drink it all"). Even when there is evidence of lowering of consciousness and physical compromise, the participant has difficulties in decreasing or stopping drinking. The fact of continuing to go to the pub, and therefore of keeping up with social relationships with pub friends, seems to boost the expectation of consumption:

[...] look, up until eight years ago I used to drink a lot of beer, I preferred it, but I had a problem with my kidney [...] I had a kidney operated and decreased a bit [...] (P12).

The following comments show the simultaneous consumption of beer, spirits and the mixture of energy drinks with alcoholic drinks.

[...] Normal! Lots of drinks, usually a wide variety, aside from beer there is whiskey, vodka, that type of thing, you have a mix! [...] (P5).

[...] I didn't want to drink, you know [...] I prefer beer and vodka with an energy drink, like something to mix with it [...] let's go drink! [...] (P9).

[...] I don't drink much, but then you see others drinking beer [...] today, I had a couple of whiskeys [...] (P12).

Some participants revealed that on some nights they had gone to the pub with the intention of not drinking (I did not want to drink, you know), yet they were motivated to drink due to the environment. The circulation of drinks (ample availability and easy access), combined with the elements of the environment (friends drinking and having fun), led them to act in a way contrary to what they had planned. Alcohol, as a socializing substance, seems to facilitate and bring together interpersonal relationships, creating an atmosphere of fraternity, acceptance and pleasure among the participants. In addition, there is a lack of critical knowledge about the harmful effects that result from the "social consumption of alcohol," especially for individuals who have physical impairments (but I had a kidney problem).

Among the psychosocial vulnerability factors that strengthen the risks related to alcohol consumption, is the social context (INPAD, 2012; WHO, 2014). In this case, the pub, with its characteristic elements (loud music, various drinks and people socializing), has the potential for consumers to drink alcoholic beverages with a sense, albeit illusory, of safety and well-being.

The availability and ease of access to alcoholic beverages have been the focus of great interest in the literature, especially in public policies (Dualibi, Vieira, & Laranjeira, 2011). In Brazil, studies reveal the existing gaps between legislation and compliance with the law that regulates the appropriation, sale and commercialization of alcoholic products (Brasil, 2015; Dualibi, Vieira, & Laranjeira, 2011). Drinking in social contexts has become the norm; however, it has been a challenge to recognize that this habit can become a potential risk leading to various problems that go beyond individual issues (Soccol et al., 2014).

The habit of abusive consumption, a natural attitude?

Participants revealed excessive consumption, consistent with intoxication, which leads them to feeling ill because of the cumulative effect of alcohol on the body. However, this is considered normal (in the words of a participant, it's part of it), as if the individual were in control of the situation.

[...] Sometimes, I feel sick... throw up... even feel sick... bah! But that's it, you know, so ... have fun, drinking is part of it... Normal! [...] (P2).

Excessive drinking is an action that occurs frequently, at least once a week. Participants are not critical about their drinking and do not perceive it as a problem. Schütz (2012) defines action as a human conduct designed by the subject in an intentional way, endowed with purpose, that is, a "reason why."

[...] sometimes, you feel bad, you feel sick [...] just more drinks [...] good, very good [...] at least once a week [...] (P5).

[...] We dance and drink, sometimes one of us feels sick, the other one looks after you, takes you home or you get sick right there even, it depends [...] sometimes, even twice on the weekend [...] but that's it... so, you come back and drink more [...] (P6).

It is observed a consumption compatible with harmful drink, because, although it has negative consequences (sometimes you feel bad, you feel sick), the pattern of use tends to perpetuate itself (so, you come back and drink more). It is noted that ambiguity permeates this behavior, in which pleasure and displeasure, good and bad, are equally present and in the same measure (you feel bad, you get sick ... good, very good).

One participant reported the diverse effects that alcohol initially has on the body, such as feeling of euphoria, well-being, "getting high." These pleasurable effects mask the negative consequences of substance-induced intoxication (it's bad, but it's good.)

[...] I drink beer [...] every weekend [...] until your head starts spinning, things can get bad [...] or you get happy, tipsy [...] it's bad but it's good [...] your friends help [...] (P7).

It is therefore acknowledged that the disturbing characteristics revealed (excessive consumption, intoxication, which often leads participants to feel sick), act as a warning signal that deserves the attention of the mental health professionals and the public policy makers for the important task of developing strategies of prevention and harm reduction. It should be noted that this pattern of alcohol use is directly associated with various problems, regardless of the age and gender of the drinker. Evidence shows that such problems are more related to consumption patterns, that is, to the amount of alcohol consumed in a single occasion, than necessarily to the time of use (Brasil, 2016; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2015).

The reports suggest that the habit of going to the pub seems to be associated with alcohol abuse in a complex way. As a result, the relationship between going to the pub regularly and drinking abusively cannot be reduced to a single motivation, but must be understood in the light of intersubjectivity and the specific relationship that the subject establishes with the environment and the drink. According to Schütz (1979), the subject may be influenced by the context, but is also motivated to influence, which leads to the understanding that people live in their world of life aware of the space they occupy and sensitive to the context in which they are inserted. Although alcohol in certain contexts is currently the most accepted drug in society, since it is widely consumed, the effects of excessive consumption in the short, medium and long-term are considerable, including social losses and the numerous aggravations that the consumption of risk causes directly or indirectly to society (WHO, 2014).



Considering the "reasons for" and "reasons why" of the action, which lead to the understanding of the social phenomenon, it was possible to grasp, from the analysis of the interviews, the intentionality and purpose of the typical behavior. In this way, it was revealed that individuals go to the pubs in search of the social interaction that this bar model offers, being influenced by the hedonistic appeals of the context and the people present, who are normally drinking and interacting in a relaxed atmosphere. The characteristics compatible with overconsumption can contribute to the fact that pub-goers soon develop a risk pattern, which can lead to several health problems, as well as family and social problems, increasing the individual's vulnerability to addiction.

Thus, the specific categories, emerging from the meaning attributed to the action of the individuals that frequent the pub, made it possible to construct the typical behaviour of these individuals, which means they are unique experiences of a specific individual, but also of a group that shares the same social context and that perceives it as highly pleasurable and, thus, feels happy to be able to go. Within social phenomenology, typification consists of the representation of the action, both of the person and the group, which makes it homogeneous to the detriment of the singular characteristics of each one (Schütz, 2012).

In the relationships developed in the pub, through intersubjectivity, in the labor relations (the professionals of the pub) and in the exchanges that take place, possibilities exist to prevent the risks related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the social context. These opportunities need to be recognized and valued so that they can be activated by health professionals, individuals, families and society as a means of implementing health promotion.

This study has some limitations, which need to be considered. One is the restriction of a single municipality for data collection. It would be desirable for further studies to be conducted with participants from pubs in urban centres of different sizes. It would also be interesting to include in the research the workers of these settings, in order to investigate their perceptions about the regulars, as well as the risk factors and measures against alcohol abuse that may be present in this environment.

On the other hand, it should be kept in mind that this is an exploratory study, with a qualitative approach and, as expected from this type of design, the results obtained should be contextualized only in terms of the scenario in which it was developed. The purpose is not to generalize the results, but to explore and deepen the knowledge about the subject investigated, in order to direct future studies.

Further research is needed to clarify the phenomenon of alcohol consumption in permissive social contexts, such as pubs, in other regions of the country, so that the nuances of each local reality can be explored. The relationships developed among pub-goers should be better understood and valued so that they can be used by professionals in proposing programs that promoting health and abuse prevention, with a focus on minimizing risks in relation to alcohol consumption in the social contexts.

Finally, it is worth emphasizing the role of psychology, in partnership with other health professions, in the area of prevention and to ensure the minimization of physical injuries caused by abusive alcohol consumption by nightclub goers. Psychologists, acting in an interdisciplinary team with other professionals, can contribute to the implementation of public policies to confront alcohol abuse in various social settings. People with a habit of consuming alcoholic beverages in various patterns of use, who become regulars in socially differentiated establishments, often constitute a challenge for prevention campaigns, precisely because they seek a place to socialize and relax after a day's work.



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Dilce Rejane Peres do Carmo
Av. Nossa Senhora da Medianeira, 803, ap 202, bairro Medianeira
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Submission: 6.3.17
Acceptance: 2.15.18