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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

Print version ISSN 1518-6148


DUNKER, Christian Ingo Lenz. Formas de apresentação do sofrimento psíquico: alguns tipos clínicos no Brasil contemporâneo . Rev. Mal-Estar e Subj. [online]. 2004, vol.4, n.1, pp.94-111. ISSN 1518-6148.

The present article argues the patterns of the psychic suffering in the picture of the tending discourses of homogenization of the subjectivity. One understands for clinical type regular forms of presentation of the psychic suffering that endorse in its expression, different discoursive strategies. The patterns operates generating particular forms of subjectivity where its tension with the universal that determines it does not appear dialetically. The singularity is abstained in this process as constituent aspect of the subject. The discourse is taken in the meaning formulated by Lacan (1968). We take the notion of neurotic jouissance calculus (Dunker, 2003) to indicate the operations of discourse encripting of the organization of the suffering by the subject. The objective of the study is to describe as such clinical types finish for composing different relations between the subject, knowing and the jouissance. Configurations these that are congruent with certain ideological formations contemporaries, particularly the estetization of the subjectivity. One approaches some clinical effects of the pattern of the psychic suffering in the picture of the shifting to know and specific rhetorical at this time marked by reification of the subjectivity. Is presented simultaneously to follow a small clinical passage marked by different patterns and by the efforts of singularization.

Keywords : psychoanalysis; clinic; subject; aesthetic; discourse.

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