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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

Print version ISSN 1518-6148


LIMA, Nádia Laguárdia de  and  SANTIAGO, Ana Lydia Bezerra. Do diário íntimo ao blog: o sujeito entre a linearidade e a espacialidade. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2009, vol.9, n.3, pp.938-962. ISSN 1518-6148.

This article poses a reflection on the material support used in a practice here referred as a writing practice about oneself, represented by the personal diaries, and the temporal-spatial dimension involved in this task, having the notion of subject embedded in such dimension. Personal diaries were originally characterized by their intimate and confessional feature. In relation to the material support, personal diaries are writings about oneself which follow a chronological sequence, allowing a linear and continuous reading of hand-written thoughts in/ traditional notebooks. On the other hand, blogs have been regarded as on-line diaries resulting in a public and contemporary format: their contents consist of fragmented and discontinuous texts, written in the cyberspace and launched in a public space. The shift from personal diaries to the so called "public diaries" has led to a change from linearity to spatiality. Having this in mind, we have made an attempt to approximate the notion of spatiality of virtual space with the notion of "constellation" as it is viewed in both the literature and psychoanalysis fields. From considerations about the constellar logics within the cyberspace, this article eventually reflects on the changes occurred in the subject status, focusing on the passage from a linear logics to a constellar logics.

Keywords : personal diaries; blogs; linear; spatial; constellar.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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