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Universitas Psychologica

Print version ISSN 1657-9267


ESCOBAR MELO, Hugo  and  MANTILLA VASQUEZ, Fanny Teresa. The ego off-center located in the culture. Univ. Psychol. [online]. 2007, vol.6, n.1, pp.39-48. ISSN 1657-9267.

The Ego stopped to be the physical place and essential that it defines the person and it pass from the essence to the distribution in narrative cultural contexts; it is now a relational Ego, with particular forms of identity that it facilitates the existence of social chameleon. The strong version of a person that is always the same one, decay in the scene and it is presented now as a precarious being in the frame of the possible relationships in worlds located in the culture. The communities in which passes most of the time, like the work, and the institution, constitutes a "hipper reality" that interprets and determines the "Ego"; The "Ego" in consequence become "Ego" in the relationships and this relationships are social. The study establishes the ways in that an individual builds and gives sense to the "relational Ego" in a certain historical moment, gives count of the interviewee’s subjective vision in terms of the «negotiation» among the expressive tendencies of the «Ego» and the demands of the institutional rationality and it captures the entirety of an autobiographical experience in the time and in the institutional space. It is then to characterize the ambiguity, the contradictions, the doubts, the change and the «returned back», of the narration of an «Ego» in intent to discover the interpretation keys in the context of the narration and of the possible world in which this takes place. It uses the study of cases and a qualitative methodology of the autobiographical story that it is constituted, starting from the categories of «relational Ego», the «relationship us», the «Ego» located in the culture, ideals and institutional ideological rationality, the action or social performance, continuity and testimonies of the narration and inflection points or crucial events.

Keywords : Relational ego; Organization; Human development and culture; Job.

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