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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

Print version ISSN 1676-157X


AMOEDO, Silvia Helena Facó. Poetic license in the logic of interpretation: “psychoart”. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2012, n.24, pp.49-56. ISSN 1676-157X.

What is an interpretation? Art and its manifestations are the in between lines of psychoanalytic knowledge, the saying that allows to achieve the real aimed by the analyst's interpretation. The word serves as raw material for both the poet and the psychoanalyst, and whenever used with poetic license, it permits them a subversion of language and a consequent subversion of the word meaning in its dictionary condition. The word precedes the subject: before birth, it is marked by the word - the thirsty word which comes from the Other. Failing to quench the thirst of the Other, the subject makes it the source and the object's thirst cause of desire. It is about this place that the subject writes his/her own history. Thus, it is the subject who owns, with his/her sayings, the text to be read and interpreted by the analyst. What can the analyst do in relation to the text of the subject in analysis?

Keywords : Psychoanalysis; arts; poetic license; interpretation.

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