Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)
Print version ISSN 1676-157X
MARTINHO, Maria Helena. The psychoanalytic interpretation: "a say nothing". Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2012, n.24, pp.77-84. ISSN 1676-157X.
This article emphasizes that the psychoanalytic interpretation is placed between the transfer that marks the beginning of an analysis and the moment of the pass, which corresponds to the end of the analysis. The author questions: What is the freedom of the analyst when it comes to interpretation? What must interpretation - situated as the tactics of the analyst - focus on? Can any intervention by analyst be considered an interpretation? To answer these questions, the author goes through some of Lacan's texts and seminars dated from the 1950 to 1970s, in which she verifies the many ways of interpretation assigned by Lacan: the punctuation, the cut, the semi-saying, the allusion, the equivocation. She concludes, with Colette Soler, that there is a common feature in the mentioned ways of interpretation: "a say nothing", a "silent speaker" of the analyst who compels the analyzed to designate the horizon of what is not said.
Keywords : Interpretation; cut; semi-saying; allusion; equivocation.