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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

Print version ISSN 1676-157X


FINGERMANN, Dominique. Desire and repetition. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2014, n.28, pp.67-77. ISSN 1676-157X.

Desire and repetition are two concepts from Psychoanalysis which allude to the subject's own experience and come from his/her structure as much as this structure unfolds itself in the experience of transference. The work sets to develop the articulation of both concepts in three lines: 1) How has the question of repetition presented itself in the clinic of desire both for Freud and Lacan?; 2) How has Lacan returned to the topologic articulation of both (…): desire as an effect of repetition and repetition as an effect of the saying, that is, repetition of the unary trait as an effect of the One-Saying and cause of the meaning of desire; One of meaning; 3) Finally, we invited in the Encore Marguerite Duras dance, which for the affection of "practice of the letter" (LACAN, 1965, p.200) has triggered my interest in the enoding of happening, repetition, and desire.

Keywords : Desire; Repetition; Saying; Marguerite Duras.

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