Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)
Print version ISSN 1676-157X
ALOMO, Martín. Vicissitudes of the desire in the capitalist world: the lacanian notion of "letosa" and its clinical relevancy. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2014, n.29, pp.99-111. ISSN 1676-157X.
We propose to establish the theoretical trajectory which will allow us to reconstruct the notion of "letosa," formulated by Jacques Lacan in the seminar L'envers de la psychanalyse. For this, we begin by setting up the conditions of the subject which are detached from the Cartesian cogito, and the particular way in which it is interwoven with the emergence of technological capitalism. To pursue that objective, we resort to elaborations by Martin Heidegger. Also based on some passages of Das Kapital, by Karl Marx, we situate the concept of surplus value, in which Lacan founded his notion of plus de jouir. This is a necessary path in order to get to the letosas. Finally, we analyze the position of the letosa in relation to that of the analyst. This path will allow us to pose the clinical relevancy of the problem, concerning the analyst's situation in the capitalist world.
Keywords : Civilization; Capitalism; Jacques Lacan; Plus de jouir; Letosa.