Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)
Print version ISSN 1676-157X
BITTENCOURT, Maria Vitória. The letter of the desire: a narrative of a dream. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2014, n.29, pp.143-149. ISSN 1676-157X.
With his text " The dream of the unicorn", Serge Leclaire elaborates his conception of the desire of the inconscious articulated with the letter. The work with the signifiers of the dream demonstrates how psychoanalysis reveals as a practice of the letter, where lalangue has a most important place. We can regard this text as having a value of passe by the fact that it discuss a work of a dream in his own analysis. Becoming the analyst of his own experience, he illustrates the hystorisation of an analysis, as Lacan define it in 1976. Making a theory of his experience as an analysand, he testifies the foncion of the letter in the inconscious and the passing to analyst, the fundamental objective of the Lacan's Proposition of the passe.
Keywords : Dream; Desire; Letter; Inconscient; Passe.