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Latin American Journal of Fundamental Psychopathology On Line
On-line version ISSN 1677-0358
WAINTRATER, Régine. Le Corps de la vieillesse dans la culture contemporaine. Lat. Am. j. fundam. psychopathol. on line [online]. 2008, vol.5, n.1, pp.19-31. ISSN 1677-0358.
Through the examination of contemporary artistic production media, painting, literature and trough the analysis of clinical material, we try here to demonstrate that the aging body is at the same time omnipresent in the cultural and social discourse, but hidden in the cultural productions, pointed as an objet of horror, the paradigm of monstrosity and hideousness. Our assumption is that the aging body is out of bounds and that it only can be shown as deteriorated or even dead. One can therefore notice two opposite discourses: the optimistic and prolix discourse about the art of growing old, and another one about illness, handicap and the end of life. Both of them are visions of a still word, without elaboration or process.
Keywords : Body; Desobjectalisation; Nostalgia; Narcissism; Denegative Alliance; Old Age.