Avaliação Psicológica
Print version ISSN 1677-0471On-line version ISSN 2175-3431
SISTO, Fermino Fernandes et al. Study to the construction of an academic satisfaction scale to college students. Aval. psicol. [online]. 2008, vol.7, n.1, pp.45-55. ISSN 1677-0471.
This research aimed to develop an academic satisfaction scale to college students. 81 items were produced in a three point Likert scale assessed the satisfaction of the students concerning with scholar curriculum, infra-structure, methodology of teaching, personal adjustment, and relationship with friends, employees and teachers. The scale was collectively administered to 231 college students of two states and the items were psychometrically analyzed by means of principal components analysis, with varimax rotation. The result pointed out four components with 35 items, which explained 41.77% of variance. These components were interpreted based on the items contents and were named as the perception of the pedagogical behavior, social adjustment, affective and physical environments. Cronbach´s alpha reliability coefficients were 0.87, 0.72, 0.76, and 0.73 respectively. Despite the results, it is necessary other analysis and reapplication of the instrument.
Keywords : Scholar satisfaction; Instrument development; Psychological assessment; College; Rasch model.